This has been a week of crazy incidents: Irrigation systems burbling wildly; Water gushing out of interior house walls across my bedroom floor; Water pipes broken in the back yard & flooding fish ponds onto the street. I live on a tropical island so I am fairly conversant with difficult water issues. Just not in my house. The great news of the BP cap holding, stopping the flow of oil into the water surrounding our island overshadowed any of my personal broken pipes. The repair men just left, things seem to be stopped up, both in the Gulf & on my property. Whew. We have been having our normal blessed torrential rains. When we drove Hwy75 Monday, the roads were so hot any rain immediately turned to vapor in the form of foggy wetness. John Traynor painted this lovely painting while here on Bird Key in Florida and when I stopped in the gallery for a bit of painting therapy I resonated with its image of light and beauty peeking through the atmosphere veiling our eyes. We can't quite tell what lies ahead, but based on my life so far it will certainly be interesting. I am excited for the sea change and hope it is my good fortune to experience it fully whatever it will be....
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